

This privacy policy describes how JOLA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. and all of its subsidiaries and assigns, including but not limited to Timeless Truth mask, (collectively, “JOLA”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collects, uses, shares, and protects personal information. Please read the following privacy policy of JOLA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. (“JOLA INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.”, “US”, “WE”) before using: https://www.ttmask.com (the ''site''), all related websites, products, services and related mobile applications.

We are very careful with what we do with your information. We collect and use the personal information you provide to us on our website in accordance with The Personal Data Protection Act of Republic of China (R.O.C), Taiwan. Please refer to the entirety of this privacy policy to learn about the measures. EU members do not apply to all current services of the company, if you do not inform whether you are a national of a EU member state, we will regard you as a non-EU national and will provide you with our services.

Your privacy is very important to us. Our relationship with you is of great value to us. This privacy policy spells out our commitment to respecting the privacy of the members and visitors to our site. It also tells you about the rights you have with respect to your personal information and the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information. This privacy policy also describes the measures we employ to safeguard personal data and how you can access and update this information.

1.Scope Of The Application Of Our Privacy Protection Policy

  • Our privacy protection policy applies to how we process the personal information collected during your visits on our website and services. The privacy protection policy does not apply to links to other online services and websites our services may provide, nor does it apply to individuals who are not entrusted or managed by us.

2.How We Collect, Store And Use Your Personal Information

  • In connection with your use of our services, such as creating an account, making a purchase, requesting samples and subscribing to our newsletters, you may provide personal information to us in various ways. The types of personal data we obtain include: contact information, login credentials, payment information and other personal information as required by the service or events. User’s personal data is used within the scope of the specific purposes. We will not use your personal data for other purposes without your written consent.
  • We may obtain certain information by automated means, such as browser cookies and server logs. The information we obtain in this manner may include your device IP address, browser information, clickstream data, dates and times of access to our services, and other information about your use of our services. This data is used to improve the user experience on our site and services. It is for our internal use only and will not be published.
  • As an effort to provide better user experience and services, we conduct statistic analysis on survey data collected. The study of such data is for internal research and will become summarized statistical data and explanatory text. This data will be published as necessary, but it will never disclose user’s personal information.
  • Personalization service through the mobile application ‘’LINE’’: member’s identity can be verified through the ‘’LINE’’ application and use our personalization service on the app. The identity verification process is conducted based on the mobile phone number or email address and LINE account credentials you provided and is performed by JOLA. ‘’LINE’’ app does not record this process nor storethe data.

3.How We Share Your Personal Information With Third Party Partners

  • We will never provide, exchange, rent or sell any of your personal information to other individuals, groups, private companies or public agencies. However, those with legal basis or contractual obligations are not subject to this limitation. We will share your personal data with third parties under the following principles:
  • When the release is appropriate to comply with the law.
  • We may share your personal information with third party service providers that we have partnered with to jointly create and offer a product, service or joint promotion. The use of personal information will be disclosed in the service or event. You will receive notice when personal information about you might be shared with third parties, and you will have an opportunity to choose not to share the information.
  • We may also share your personal information in the event we suspect you are violating our terms or engaging in behaviors that may cause harm or obstruct the rights and interests of the website and other users, when the release is deemed necessary by the website management in order to identify, contact or take legal actions.
  • We employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include collecting, processing and analyzing data that contains your personal information. We maintain administrative and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage, and disclosure of customer’s personal information by these companies and individuals.

4.Your Rights And Choices

  • In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, we offer you certain choices in connection with the personal information we obtain about you:
  • (1) If you have created an account with us, you can check on how your personal data is used by logging into your account.
    (2) If you need a copy of such data, you can send us a request by e-mail.
    (3) You can make change to your personal information by logging into your account at any time. We may inquire the reason for changing your personal information when necessary.
    (4) You can request to stop collecting, storing and using your personal data by writing an email to our customer service department at [email protected] or call our customer service hotline at +886-7-8100966. You can also request to delete your personal data from our database. Once the procedure is complete, the services we provide to users will be terminated.
  • We respect and honor the decisions you make on your personal information. If you decline to provide us with the personal data requested by our services, or disagree with the laws and regulations applied in this privacy policy and how your personal information is collected, stored, used and shared, certain services may be limited or unavailable depending on your data choices. This is due to the nature or condition of the service. (For example: if you decline to provide a birthday, you will not be able to complete the membership registration.) We reserve the right, at any time, to discontinue some or all of the services and transactions.

5.About Cookies

  • A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to a visitor’s computer or other internet-connected device to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser or to store information or settings in the browser, such as location, language and personal information. The use of cookies is limited to the information and settings the visitor had inputted, it couldn’t access contents the visitor did not provide or select. Cookies are stored on the visitor's device's web browser by the websites. Cookies keep track of the visitor's specified preferences in order to improve user experience and deliver relevant information and ads to the visitor.
  • In order to provide visitors with a more personalize user experience on the site, and for the use of browsing data analysis, we use cookies to enable the services to function. You can block the use of cookies by changing your browser settings under '' Cookies'' or ''privacy''. Please note if you block all cookies on your browser, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit the site and some features and services may not work.

6.Have Questions On Our Privacy Policy?

  • You can contact us about this Privacy Policy by writing us at [email protected] or call our customer service hotline at +886-7-8100966.

7.Privacy Policy Revision

  • We reserve the right to change this policy at any time; the revised privacy policy will be posted on our site.





  • 我們可能從不同來源取得您的個人資訊。我們可能蒐集您在我們的商店、網站、社群平台、社群網路或行動應用程式或活動中提供的資訊。當您造訪本站、我們的社群平台、或我們的社群網路或手機應用程式,我們也會使用例如cookies、網路伺服器與網路beacons科技自動蒐集特定資訊。


  • 單純在 TTM 的瀏覽及檔案下載行為,TTM 並不會蒐集任何有關個人的身份資料。
  • 利用 TTM 所提供的會員服務,需申請人提供個人資料時,會依需求請您提供姓名、聯絡電話、E-mail、通訊住址等個人最新、最真實之資料。
  • 如您透過電子郵件或聯絡我們反映您的意見或詢問相關業務問題時,我們會保存您的通訊記錄,僅作為與您聯絡之用。
  • 網站伺服器會記錄使用者上網的IP位址、上網時間以及在網站內所瀏覽的網頁等資料,這些資料係供 TTM 管理單位內部作網站流量和網路行為調查的總量分析,以利於提升 TTM 的服務品質, 且僅對全體使用者行為總和進行分析,並不會對個別使用者進行分析。
  • TTM 有義務保護各申請人隱私, 非經您本人同意不會自行修改或刪除任何個人資 料及檔案。 除非符合以下情況始得為之:
    • 違反本網站規定事項,如在試用心得中出現謾罵或做人身攻擊的言論時。
    • 保護或防衛相關個人的權利或所有權。
    • 為保護本網站各相關單位之權益。
  • 除站台服務所提供的媒合資訊之外, TTM 不會出售、 交換或出租任何您的個人資料給其他團體、 個人或 私人企業。 但有下列情形者除外:
    • 配合司法單位合法的調查。
    • 配合相關職權機關依職務需要之調查或使用。
    • 基於善意相信揭露為法律需要, 或為維護和改進網站服務而用於管理。
  • TTM 可能透過Facebook、 LINE、 Google + 或類似社群服務系統, 於取得您的同意, 將部分 TTM 網站的資訊發布於您的社群活動資訊業面, 若您不同意該相等訊息之發布, 請您勿點選同意鍵, 或於事後透過各該社群服務之會員機制移除該等資訊或拒絕 TTM 繼續發布相關訊息。


  • 為便於日後的辨識,當您使用 TTM 服務時,可能會在您的電腦上設定與存取Cookie。
  • 您可以透過設定您的個人電腦或上網配備,決定是否允許Cookie技術的使用,若您關閉Cookie時,可能會造成您使用 TTM 服務時之不便利或部分功能限制。


  • TTM 的伺服器設有「防火牆」作保護,防止非法入侵、破壞或竊取資料,當您使用 TTM 之各項服務功能時,任何儲存於本網站上之資料,會受到完善保護,以保障您的個人資料安全。


  • 請妥善保管您的任何個人資料,切勿將個人資料提供給任何第三人,以保障您的權益。並提醒您,您自願於網際網路上(如在討論區、留言板、聊天區..等)透露個人資料,均可能會被他人蒐集和使用,您可能會收到他人主動提供的電子郵件。


  • 隱私權保政策如經修改,TTM 將以您所提供之電子郵件或簡訊通知您相關之重大變更,並於 TTM 公告,若您不同意該等變更或修改,請停止繼續使用 TTM 服務,並依本隱私權政策規定通知本公司停止蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。


  • 若您對自己在 TTM 網站中的隱私權有任何問題,歡迎您提供寶貴意見給我們,請至 聯絡我們,TTM 將會盡一切努力在合理適當的範圍內儘快改善您所提出的各項建議,以便提供您更完善的服務。









